September 9 2014

I Don’t Have Anything to Write About

As writers, this happens to all of us…we sit down to write and nothing. Our brain empties and there’s nothing there. What do you do? How do you think of ideas? I write anyway. It’s about sitting down and doing the work for me. A writer friend of mine, Patti Digh, says she doesn’t believe in writer’s block…there’s no such thing as plumber’s block….they just get to work. As writers, we must do the same. What will write this year? Let’s make a plan…

My writing plan for the year…

I will blog three times a week, minimum.

I will work on my poetry.

I will continue the draft of my novel. 


What will you write?!?!

Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.

Posted September 9, 2014 by Ms. Haseltine in category Patti Digh, writer's block

17 thoughts on “I Don’t Have Anything to Write About

  1. Skulduggery Pleasant

    Can’t wait to see the blog posts for tomorrow and days coming! Your dog seems full of joy and happiness! Lucky you.

  2. Tris

    Dear Ms. Haseltine,
    I get the same feeling all the time. I always run out of ideas in my brain. I guess we just need some time for our brain to relax and think of some new ones later!!!!!!

  3. Max

    This happens to me a lot. Sometimes i’ll get ready to write and get tons of supplies but then when i look at my paper my mind just goes blank.

  4. Jellyfishman

    This always happens to me. I think the best thing to do is to start thinking about your writing when you’re outside are of everyday life. That way you can think of ideas much easier.

  5. Happy Smiles

    I hate it when that happens to me. Whenever that happens I always try to think back to other stories that I wrote and change it up. Sometimes I just think for a long time and think of a great idea. I do that but then lose it if I don’t write it down.

  6. Rachel

    It happens to me a lot when I get really tired. I get the paper and all I can do is stare down at it. It is like I am frozen.

  7. Bluelover

    I really love to write and the one thing I don’t like is a writers block. Thankfully, with Ms.Haseltine I can’t stop thinking about what to write!

  8. Santiago

    For some reason I always get a writing block and hate when it happens, but when it happens I look at my surroundings

  9. leisha

    When I was younger this used to happen a lot in class.Now my wacky imagination helps me write stories.

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