September 23 2013

A picture in my head

Today we talked about writing that paints a picture in your mind. I’m reading a book that’s filled with great description and beautiful writing. I can imagine exactly what the character is seeing!

Here’s an example of this from A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness:

“As Conor watched, the uppermost branches of the tree gathered themselves into a great and terrible face, shimmering into a mouth and nose and even eyes, peering back at him…the thin, needle-like leaves weaving together to make a green, furry skin that moved and breathed as if there were muscles and lungs underneath.”

I love how this simply describes a tree. The author uses such unusual phrases to describe something so ordinary. Comparing the tree to a person creeps me out, but I guess that’s the point. Phrases like, “ green, furry skin and “great and terrible face, shimmering into a mouth” make me read this part again and again. I love how the face shimmers into the mouth. I’d never think of writing it like that! And green, furry skin!?!?! Wow! Gross and interesting all at the same time.

I’d love to hear what you found in your book! Include the title and author when you write it in the comment. Also, please use quotation marks (because we are borrowing someone else’s words)!

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