September 18 2013


Please remember to bring in your completed writing notebook tomorrow, complete with decorated cover and title page. Also, complete your assignment: Writing Notebook in Vision. If you have problems, please email me your assignment. 

Here's the first notebook I titled! From then on most of my notebooks are titled.

Here’s the first notebook I titled! From then on most of my notebooks are titled.

Category: Uncategorized | 5 Comments on Homework!
September 16 2013

WE are blogging, let’s talk about books!

I’m so excited. Today was a wonderful day filled with students commenting on blog posts. I love some of the creative pseudonyms. What’s the best part of blogging for you, so far? Let’s talk about what we’re reading…anyone reading a great book? Please share good books to read!

To any former students: are you out there? Please comment and leave some words of wisdom for my sixth graders this year!


Homework (due Wednesday):

Please remember to complete designing the cover and title page to your writing notebook. 


How many books did I read last year? sign needs to be completed.