January 16 2015

Five Minute Friday: DANCE!

I LOVE to dance!

Confession…I am nooooooo good at it, but I don’t care. Music, especially dance music, always brings a smile to my face and it puts me in a good mood!

In middle school, I loved dancing to Duran Duran, Pat Benatar, Madonna and so many others. My friends and I would listen to music for hours. We’d wait until our favorite song came on the radio and then we’d tape it. Once we taped the song, we would listen to it over and over and over and over and over again.

When MTV came out and we saw videos for the first time, we would mimic the dances on the videos! We copied Pat Benatar in Love is a Battlefield and everything Madonna did! Duran Duran’s music was my most favoritist in middle school! John Taylor and Simon LeBon were in the group and we loved that band so much! My friends and I got all of their tapes and listened to them all the time!

I wish I could remember more of the bands I liked in the 80s! I’ll have to search for them and play some of those tunes for my students!