June 24 2013

Writing Notebooks

Today in Teachers Write, we are writing about notebooks. I have kept a writing notebook (or a journal, diary, daybook) since September 22, 1982. I was ten years old. OK, this post is going to require so much math, UGH! I’ve been writing since 1982, so that means I have been writing for thirty one years! THIRTY ONE YEARS! Whew, no wonder, I’m tired. The question I get over and over again is “How many notebooks do you have?” Today is the first day I can honestly answer that. I have 55. Fifty-five notebooks. Wow! 

Pre-sorted (with Leo sitting in the middle)

Pre-sorted (with Leo sitting in the middle)

Sorted by decade

Sorted by decade

I have tried just about every kind of notebook and writing utensil known to man. Each of those decisions has become very important to me as I endeavor to write. I’ve used wide ruled notebooks, binders with looseleaf paper, the traditional diary with lock (only one of those when I was in high school), spiral notebooks without lines, and finally my current favorite hardbound sketch books.  

Plain old notebooks worked as I began to write

Plain old notebooks worked as I began to write


As I continued to write, my two rules were spiral and no lines.

As I continued to write, my two rules were spiral and no lines.


As I continued to write, my two rules were spiral and no lines.

As I continued to write, my two rules were spiral and no lines.


Here's the first notebook I titled! From then on most of my notebooks are titled.

Here’s the first notebook I titled! From then on most of my notebooks are titled.


Now, I exclusively use hard bound books to write. My no line rule continues. I feel freer.

Now, I exclusively use hard bound books to write. My no line rule continues. I feel freer.

Writing about notebooks is something I could do all day! Perhaps I’ll continue…



Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.

Posted June 24, 2013 by Ms. Haseltine in category My writing, Teachers Write, writing notebooks

11 thoughts on “Writing Notebooks

  1. Renee Brandon

    I personally love the hard bound books too. I’ve tried the sketch book thing, I think it’s around here somewhere, but without the lines I feel too loose. I need a bit of structure – something to measure by I guess. This week I’m going to get a new notebook, just not too sure on the type yet.

  2. DebKrygeris

    I’m in awe of people like you that have consistently journaled for YEARS! That is truly amazing, especially in today’s world with so many things pulling us in different directions. Thanks for sharing your writing life!

  3. Andrea Payan

    WOW! That is a lot of notebooks! I love seeing your evolution through what you have chosen to use for notebooks. I think it is great to see other people who obsess over stationary products also! Did you find your story in one of those notebooks?

  4. Marnie Turman

    I prefer the hardbound as well. I think that is why I have so many notebooks that I never completely used up. Instead of blank pages though, I opt for the grid sheets. I find the grid gives me the freedom to turn the page anyway I want, but some guidelines to keep things organized if needed. I find lined pages more constraining than the grid. Go figure!

  5. Catherine @readingtothecore

    That’s an impressive collection of notebooks! I’ve been writing in a journal of some sort since 1978, but I didn’t really write regularly until that last 15 years or so. I love the idea of naming your notebooks. Looking forward to reading more of your writing!

  6. Cathy

    I have to agree with Deb. I am always amazed by people who have kept notebooks for many years. I go through spurts with my writer’s notebooks. Tech has really sent me into a spin.

    Thanks so much for sharing your notebook journey. I hope you will tell us more in the days/weeks to come.


  7. Deb Frazier

    I bow to you! What a treasure your notebooks are to you and will be to future generations! I have a friend who talks about reading her grandmothers journals and her passion emanates from her~ Beautiful!

  8. rasmussena

    I love your collection, and I especially love that you name your notebooks. I’ve been writing in journals since I was quite young, but most of those books look like journals–boring. We have so many colorful choices today. I stopped at Target thinking I needed a new notebook today but couldn’t even make up my mind. I bought a $20 pack of markers instead. I need to write a blog post about that. Ha. Thanks for sharing this great post today.

  9. Elissa Field

    Michelle, I love this! You’re inspiring me to go pull all my old notebooks out of storage… and create towers. Or cities. 🙂 Like you, I’ve tried all kinds of notebooks. My first favorite were fat, black sketchbooks (5 x 7 x 1″). After half a dozen of those, I went to plain marble comp books for years — flat, neat, smooth for writing in and not intimidating. I wonder how many it’s been? In recent years, I’ve used all kinds of notebooks. I posted the other day about having to transcribe notes I’d written over the winter, and included a picture of my current notebooks (well, and books I scribbled in, and a random pad I grabbed in a pinch) — I love that it features a pretty small journal that was a gift from my best friend from college. 🙂 Here’s a link: http://elissafield.wordpress.com/2013/06/24/novel-revisions-work-is-messy-book-may-bite/

    I’m glad to get to check out your site – I love the look of your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Fern

    Hey ms haseltine! How’s your summer? It’s sooo cool that you have that many notebooks! Do you go back and re-read them?

  11. Hazel

    I love all those notebooks! They are so nice! Mine aren’t usually that cool! Good luck on teaching! (Belive me, sometimes you’re going to need it! Just be glad my little brother and sister aren’t in 6th grade! Those two bounce off the walls at home! Not litteraly, but sometimes I’m suprised they’re not litteraly bouncing off the walls!) I’m guessing that dosn’t happen with Leo!

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