March 23 2015

Five Minute Friday: SMILE #19

5 minute FridayThere is a student in one of my classes who always smiles. I love that! She laughs a lot too. Don’t you notice that some people have that happy & joyous energy?!?! 

When I’m around people who smile, I smile more. You know how yawning is contagious?!?! I think smiling is contagious too. Try it. SMILE. SMILE big. Keep smiling…and watch what happens. Do others around you start smiling? I’ve tried this. Sometimes when I am smiling for no reason, the first reaction of strangers is to look at me with a puzzled expression. That’s quickly followed with a smile…usually. Look someone in the eye! SMILE. See what happens. I bet you will help someone else smile. YOU are making the world a better place. Thank you to Isabella for always smiling! You always, always, always make my day happier! 

These are my favorite people to be around…the smiling ones! It doesn’t mean that they have perfect lives…but they search for the joy, for the laughter and for the SMILE in everyday!

(P.S. Isabella PICKED this word!!!!)