March 5 2014

Me as a writer

Writing is very different for me this year. I’ve been writing since I was a kid and I’ve even called myself a writer for a long time (even though I haven’t published anything).

To me, a writer is someone who writes…someone who figures out life through their writing, someone who communicates through writing, someone who uses writing as a tool in their lives…that’s me. I write = I am a writer.

Using technology has changed me as a writer. Writing is different. In some ways writing is easier and in other ways it’s harder for me. There are times when I prefer to write using my notebook and markers. I still write most days in my notebook. (I’m on my 57th notebook, by the way. You can read about my notebooks here.)

This year we have computers in our class. We blog. We write using google docs. We share our writing. We edit and revise our writing. We work together on our writing more than we ever have before. It’s exciting! Sharing my writing makes it better. I work harder when I know others will read it. Also, when my friends read my writing, they make comments and I can improve my writing. Sometimes I work on writing that isn’t even assigned. All of this writing is making me a better writer. I miss notebooks though. For me, a pen and a notebook means a personal connection. I write differently when I am typing than when I am writing. It’s not better or worse, it’s just different. So because of that, I can’t pick one tool over the other. They are just different tools.

I find that I’m improving on writing different kinds of things. When I think about WHY that’s gotten better, I think it’s because I am reading so much writing from other students. They give me ideas that I might not have had before. I am still working on verb tenses. When I write, I often switch tenses and it doesn’t make sense. Because of that I have to read and reread my writing before I post it or share it. It’s making me a more careful writer.

Audience makes a difference. When I know others (sometimes LOTS of others) are reading my writing, I pay more attention, add more details…do my VERY best! I like having an audience for my writing. Writing comments on blogs…I think that counts as writing…even that makes me a better writer.

If I had to wrap up my ideas in one thought, it’d be this…

Writing makes me a writing and writing a lot makes me a better writer. 

September 12 2013


The computers are becoming a part of our daily routine. We come into C17, grab our seat and log into the computers. I like that some students can read the instructions on the board and get started right away. Today, the students worked on helping each other when something didn’t work the first time. Seeing them truly problem solve and work together makes me so proud. These laptops are another tool to help us become better readers and writers. Next week, we will start talking about using Vision at home too. Thanks to all of my wonderful students who worked so hard today! Have a great night!