April 20 2016

National Poetry Month Day 20

Please link up your National Poetry Month post here.Looking forward to reading and commenting on these posts! Click on the frog button to read and comment on our posts!




blankets the classroom

except for the occasional click 

and the hard work

of sixth grade brain waves

as they,

once again,




April 19 2016

National Poetry Month Day 19

Please link up your National Poetry Month post here.Looking forward to reading and commenting on these posts! Click on the frog button to read and comment on our posts!

Poetry is


There’s nowhere to


Carefully chosen words

express emotions.


Strong sentiments

for all the world to



No masks

No protection


Words display

Words reveal





Oh, fierce poetry

How I love you!

April 18 2016

National Poetry Month Day 18

Please link up your National Poetry Month post here.Looking forward to reading and commenting on these posts! Click on the frog button to read and comment on our posts!


I don’t feel like

writing today

but here I am,

I show up.


I’ve missed

many days

I feel like

I’ve failed,


I show up.


I’ve learned

that life is



hard, and


and the only

thing I must

do is this…

I show up.



Sharing an original poem everyday in the month of April.
Happy National Poetry Month!

April 13 2016

How Poetry FOUND Me

April 12 2016

National Poetry Month Day 12

Please link up your National Poetry Month post here.Looking forward to reading and commenting on these posts! Click on the frog button to read and comment on our posts!

We are writers.
We write everyday.


We talk like writers.
“Figuring out what to write about it hardest thing sometimes!”


We live like writers.
“I’m going to write about what happened at lunch!”


We support each other as writers.
“I love this line!”


We show up…
We write…
That’s what makes us writers!