January 6 2017

RISE in 2017

I wanted a synonym for “show up”. I think the act of showing up is important to a good life and I wanted a daily reminder for myself, but I didn’t want to use a phrase. When I started searching for it, I found ARISE. I like that, but I wasn’t sold. I played around with the word AWAKE for awhile, but I kept coming back to RISE.

It occurs to me that one of my favorite songs of 2016 is Katy Perry’s “Rise”.


The beginning of a new year is exciting, filled with potential and possibilities. Things can be different. I use this time to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going. I use a word to help me focus my reflection and my choices. This year my word is RISE. What do I want to accomplish with this word? What do I want RISE to help me do or be?

I want to RISE from the grasp of fear. We are all afraid of things. We all feel fear. There are times when I feel frozen in fear. It stops me. I want to RISE from the fear and simply begin. As soon as I begin, the fear dissipates.

I want to do things and RISE from the negativity. I want to show up. I want to write. I want to be a better teacher. I want to make this world a better place. This means I need to RISE to the occasion and do something.


How will I RISE in 2017? That’s the best part… I don’t know. I want to focus on the positive. I want to develop rituals and routines in my life that help this goal. Here are a few I have planned, some are simple and some are bigger, but all are designed to guide my year…

1. Start every day with writing in my newly organized writing spot.

2. Document the year with daily pictures and post them on Instagram using the hashtag #haseltinegratitude17
3. Paint my nails.
4. Write for five minutes at the end of each school day to reflect and grow as an educator.
5. Send 3-5 cards each week to those I love.

New lamp with the sun RISING from the clouds.


I’m hoping that RISE will serve me well this year. What will your 2017 look like? Do you have a word or a phrase that will guide you? 


I can’t wait to see where this word leads me. I’ll RISE up to meet it!

December 1 2016

Ice Cream for Homework

Monday would have been my Dad’s 70th birthday! I told my students about his birthday and a little about him. Suddenly I had a brilliant idea…”You have homework tonight!” I announced to surprised moans and groans. Before the complaining got carried away, I told them their assignment included a choice. Here’s what I said, “For homework tonight, I want you to do something kind for someone else. Go out of your way. Surprise someone…to honor my dad. He did that all the time.”

The grumbling quieted because they realized this was no ordinary assignment. “The other choice is eat ice cream.” I was met with blank stares and looks of confusion. “Dad’s favorite food was ice cream. I want his memory to live on, so go home tonight and have some ice cream. When you ask your parents for ice cream, tell them why.”

I have never seen so many students scramble to write down an assignment before. Here’s one of my favorite agendas:  img_0719

I announced the success of the assignment on Instagram with my own picture of ice cream, Friendly’s Peppermint Stick…


The next day students in my other classes heard about the assignment and begged for their homework. They told their parents. They performed acts of kindness and they ate ice cream…

Waterlogue 1.3.1 (72) Preset Style = Vibrant Format = 6" (Medium) Format Margin = None Format Border = Straight Drawing = #2 Pencil Drawing Weight = Medium Drawing Detail = Medium Paint = Natural Paint Lightness = Auto Paint Intensity = More Water = Tap Water Water Edges = Medium Water Bleed = Average Brush = Natural Detail Brush Focus = Everything Brush Spacing = Narrow Paper = Watercolor Paper Texture = Medium Paper Shading = Light Options Faces = Enhance Faces


Waterlogue 1.3.1 (72) Preset Style = Vibrant Format = 6" (Medium) Format Margin = None Format Border = Straight Drawing = #2 Pencil Drawing Weight = Medium Drawing Detail = Medium Paint = Natural Paint Lightness = Auto Paint Intensity = More Water = Tap Water Water Edges = Medium Water Bleed = Average Brush = Natural Detail Brush Focus = Everything Brush Spacing = Narrow Paper = Watercolor Paper Texture = Medium Paper Shading = Light Options Faces = Enhance Faces

All because of my Dad! Love you, Dad!

sitting on Dad's lap

August 29 2016

Welcome to Sixth Grade!

Welcome to Room C10. We will spend time together every day this year. We will be reading and writing a lot! I have spent lots of time preparing and I have a few surprises ready for you. If you are wondering what it takes to be successful in this class, the answer is easy…

Show up.
Do your best.
Be kind.
Make mistakes.
Be honest.
Work hard.
Take risks.
Ask questions.

This is going to be a great year! Please stop by our class Twitter account at @haseltineclass and our class Instagram at @haseltineclass. We have a facebook page too: Ms. Haseltine’s Class.

I can’t wait to get started!

Bella LOVES her new blanket.

Bella LOVES her new blanket.


April 13 2016

How Poetry FOUND Me

April 10 2016

Poetry Challenge: Day 10 – It Doesn’t Matter


It Doesn’t Matter

By: Miss Gaetjen

It doesn’t matter how fast you ran a mile

It matters that you ran a mile

It doesn’t matter how well you write

It matters that you write

It doesn’t matter that you made a mistake

It matters that you tried

It doesn’t matter who you were in the past

It matters who you are now

It doesn’t matter what others think of you

It matters what you think of yourself

April 7 2016

Poetry Challenge: Days 6 and 7

The following haiku is inspired by me missing Day 6!

Day 6: Life Gets In the Way

Life gets in the way

Sometimes I can not keep up

Wish time would slow down


Teaching my third lesson for Ms. Haseltine’s class tomorrow! So excited!

Day 7: Lesson

I can’t wait for

The lesson I have in store

Less than 12 hours more

To teach students I adore


April 5 2016

Poetry Challenge: April 5th – Two Tests Today

Two Tests Today


Two tests today

Two tests today

Lurking in my mind

Two tests today

Two tests today

That I wish my teachers would reassign

Two tests today 

Two tests today

The stress is overbearing

Two tests today

Two tests today

That I have little been preparing

Two tests today

Two tests today

Can barely sit still in first block

Two tests today 

Two tests today

I hear the incessant tick tock

Two tests today

Two tests today

It’s now time for one

Two tests today

Two tests today

I’m feeling overdone

Two tests today

Two tests today

It’s now time for two

Two tests today

Two tests today

I’m finally done and through

April 4 2016

Poetry Challenge: 4 poems to make up for the last 4 days of April…

April 1st: This first poem is a poem I entered in a competition for my graduating class in college! I’m so excited to be attending my top choice school, University of Mary Washington, starting in the fall!



Driving down 95

In the ridiculous traffic

I didn’t mind much though

Since the views were photographic

You see, I was heading to Mary Wash

Where I hoped I would find

A future home,

A place to expand my mind

I heard about the distinguished education program;

A career I have always wanted to pursue

So I thought it would be time

To check out the Eagle grey and blue

After watching a women’s rugby game,

I knew it was fate

That this was the team I wanted to be on

Their skills were nothing short of great

The campus was small and charming

Something I had been looking for

It did not disappoint

And I quickly realized it was a school I adored

Exploring downtown Fredericksburg,

I knew it was the town for me

From the quaint shops to the delicious restaurants

I was certain this is where I wanted to be

Come August

When I leave my big town of Ashburn

UMW will be my new stomping ground

Where I’ll meet new people, grow, make memories, and learn


April 2nd: This second poem is one that I wrote when I taught my lesson on color poems. I used this poem as a guide for Ms. Haseltine’s wonderful 1st/5th block of 6th graders to inspire them to write their own color poems!



Blue smells like the salty ocean air

Blue feels like a cool breeze

Blue tastes like a lollipop that stains your tongue

Blue looks like the vast, never-ending sky

Blue is the color of sadness but also the color of opportunity.


April 3rd: This third poem is from a Beautiful Words lesson taught by Ms. Haseltine during my first day being a Teacher Cadet in her class. It’s inspired by Mary Oliver’s “Little Dog’s Rhaposody in the Night.”




  • inspired by Mary Oliver’s “Little Dog’s Rhapsody in the Night”

I can’t imagine a life without you

A life where I won’t have to hide my food so you won’t steal it

A life where I won’t have to close my bedroom door so you won’t wake me up in the middle of the night

A life without slobbery kisses

A life without you greeting me when I come home

I fear this life because I see my friends affected by the loss of someone like you

And a life without you is one I can’t imagine


April 4th: This fourth poem is from a Beautiful Words lesson taught by Ms. Haseltine during my second day being a Teacher Cadet in her class. It’s inspired by Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to French Fries.”


An Ode to Coffee


  • inspired by Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to French Fries”

When I was little I used to not like you

Since you tasted bitter

Today, I’ve grown accustomed to the bitterness

You’re like oxygen I need to breathe

I especially like you flavored with cream and sugar

But if I have to, I’ll take you without flavor

You’re like a drug

One that many become addicted to

And I’m afraid I’m an addict