46 thoughts on “Slice #14 Tired

  1. Grace

    Today I have a big history test
    I am really stressed
    Also a PE quiz
    About muscles-a subject in which I am not a whiz
    But I am excited for Pi day in math
    Oh, wait, I’ll have to face everybody’s wrath
    When they find out the cookies,
    The delicious chocolate chip cookies,
    Are lopsided!!!!

  2. Rebekah

    Last night i heard;
    rustling on the siding,
    wind smacking the side of the house,
    The loud noses i heard last night.

  3. Caitlin

    I get to practice soccer with my friends team and it is going to be awesome because we are doing this thing which is basically a military workout so I am super excited!

  4. Will R.

    I am very tired.
    I am just like Leo today.
    I cant wait to go to sleep.
    But first I have to do my homework.

  5. Abigayle

    Today I had so much fun in math! Pi day is AWESOME, last year we did not celebrate pi day. Someone in my class brought fudge. It was soooooo good!!! I brought in Oreo balls all it is is Oreos and cream cheese frozen. I hope every one liked them.

  6. Natalie

    Today was picture day! Boo! I used to like picture day but now I totally despise picture day. I didn’t need to be all fancy because I only buy fall pictures. I’m soo stressed too. I have a history quiz tomorrow, on Monday I have a math test, and also on Monday I have the book talk. I try to bring the book talk home to work on but I forget what you say and i can’t work on it. Also partially I don’t understand. It is getting me really stressed about doing it on Monday.

  7. Paravi

    I have three six word memoirs

    Worried about my history test results

    Just came back from re-teaching session

  8. Alyssa

    I am so excited about a trio me and my friends and I are doing a trio for the solo and ensemble event at the end of next month I still don’t know what song I’m doing. Ha Ha! I think my teacher is getting the music for me and my friends. We are going to make the song sound awesome!

  9. kiara

    Today I was the opposite than what the poem was about. Happy Pi day!!!!!!! Today I had a wild sugar rush. Yay!!!!!!!

  10. Matthew

    Ms. Haseltine I wonder when I’m going to finish the story, tommorow maybe, What are we doing to tommorow Free writing

    Here’s my 6 word memware
    Don’t know what to do today

  11. Leah

    I’m scared for tomorrow because I have a History test; and i have to study a little more tonight for it, but hopefully I can memorize the parts that I haven’t memorized yet. Wish me luck!!!!!???

  12. Rachel L.

    Uh! I was so tired today until my friend got me ruffed up, now I’m all jumpy and hyper. I’m glad I don’t have much homework at all, it’s starting to get really boring!

  13. yasmeen

    Today was pi day it was so fun, all block we ate sweats and pie !!!!!!!!!!!!! it was really fun, we got to chat with our friends and do fun projects 🙂 yay pi day !!!!!!

  14. Macy

    I am tired, sad and happy
    Tired just because
    sad because I missed pi day
    happy because I went to the doctors and she said that my knee is not fractured but drained and that I can walk without crutches 🙂

  15. Fern

    I love spring and summer!!
    This summer I can’t WAIT for. I might be going to Disney with my dad, im seeing my evil cousins,(that ones not so fun), I’m going to Vermont… Yay summer!!

  16. MS

    Pi Day was so fun! There was lots of good food, the activities were enjoyable, and I got to decorate my t-shirt! Today I wore a Pi-Day-related shirt to school, and many people in my math class used the design on the shirts that they decorated. The picture was a reflection–on one side it said 3.14, and on the other side that 3.14 was flipped over to read PIE! Today was a very memorable day and I can’t wait for Pi Day next year!!!

    I am not very tired today, unlike Leo. I have no homework (except for this.)!! YES!!! 🙂

  17. Lipika

    Today I had a keyboarding, history, and P.E. test today! So many tests. English at the end of the day was the only subject without a test! Thank You Ms. Haseltine for not giving us quizzes. Anyways I don’t have a lot of homewrk except English. Ms. Haseltine do we have to finish our final drafts at home and bring it to scchool tomorrow? Because If do I will type today and print it.

  18. Kyle

    I can’t find any books to read for the long plane ride to the Phillipines. Any suggestions? I like action-filled books with adventure. Please help!

  19. Dillon

    I loved pi day it was awesome. We got to eat a ton of cookies and other stuff. I also had picture day today I forgot to dress up but I got to play basketball after which is always fun!

  20. Brandon

    Today I had one of the biggest history test’s I have ever took. Plus picture day which I actually smiled for once, and now I can’t wait till pi day. The only day without a lesson or anything like that.

  21. Nicole

    I think i did okay on the History test. I am not really sure though. I was freezing cold at soccer practice today!! I though i got frost bite!! I turned our my fingers just froze a little, so i am okay.

  22. noelle:)

    Happy Pi Day Ms. Haseltine!!! My pi day “party” is tomorrow. I cant wait! But I also have a flute assess. tomorrow and I might be ready to do my book talk. I’m not sure- it depends if I take a shower quick enough and practice flute. 🙂 I just have to rewrite my rough draft( or maybe type) and proofread one more time. I just finished dinner. I had dance today and I’m tired. It was fun though.
    I can’t wait ’til Spring break!!!!! OMG, your dog is so cute! I wish I had a dog. Dogs keep you company- at least I think so. 🙂 ;D 😉 😀
    Okay, I have work to do. Have a good evening Ms. Haseltine.
    Oh yeah, the Viola book was really really really really good!!!!!!!!!! Am I allowed to request the second book, for when one becomes available? If I can, I’m requesting.
    🙂 I’m sorta stalling ’cause I don’t want to take a shower. 🙂
    Okay, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Amanda

    Pi day is tomorrow for me and it looks like everybody is having so much fun! When I was walking with my friend to the bus, this random girl was screaming in my ears ” PI DAY, PI DAY, PI DAY, PI DAY!” and I was like, “Do I know you?”. She started to scream in my ears once again, so I just stopped talking to her. She seems nice, but why did u have to scream in my ears? Also, thanks so much Grace for the cookie! It was delicious!

  24. Kaylin

    I just finished recording the video for my book talk at 7:00. I really hope it works. My brother is helping me edit it. Wish me luck!

  25. Beth Rogers

    I love your poetry! I shall have to show my students to inspire some creativity! Very cool to write poems about your school lives!

  26. TJ

    I have to use my grandpa to wear the cardboard costume for my book trailer. It is really difficult since my sister won’t help me. I hope my grandpa is OK if I shoot him with my water gun. Difficult!!!!!! 🙁

  27. Carmela

    Just got home from lacrosse, and now I’m watching T.V. I’m also doing my english homework. I had a blast today with Clare and Maya. Now I can’t wait for Friday!

  28. Rachelanne

    Today I had gymnastics and my coach made us do the hardest conditioning it felt like we were in a boot camp or something!

  29. Wardah

    I have the Pi day party the day after Pi day. Not fair. But I got to walk to Giant with my friend to get pie. I’m really hyper right now and I don’t know why.

  30. Jasmine O.

    Pi Day is going to be so fun! The only thing is that I have it tomorrow because of the snow day. I told my mom to bring healthy things but she brings Potato chips.

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