February 28 2013

Slice of Life Challenge

Ah…March has almost arrived and so has the Slice of Life challenge. The challenge consists of something simple. Write every day for the month of March. I will post MY slice of life every morning. The students will be required to include THEIR daily slice of life in the comment section. Every day! Even Saturday and Sunday! Slice of life is a phrase describing the use of mundane realism depicting everyday experiences in art and entertainment. Students will write about their everyday life in a way that’s new and interesting. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slice_of_life_story) We spent time today talking about the why of this assignment and I explained that the best writers are accomplished observers. Students are also aware that the blog is public for all to see and read. I reminded them that this is NOT texting, so correct spelling and capitalization and punctuation are required. Students may write a narrative (25 words or more), a six word memoir, a poem, (including free verse, haikus and cinquains), students may write as a twitter post (140 characters) or in a comic strip (although that would need to be by hand). Each day presents an opportunity for a new piece of writing. If students or their parents are not comfortable with commenting daily on the blog, I’ll have a paper & pencil alternative ready tomorrow. Looking forward to reading everyone’s writing! Happy Slice of Life!

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Posted February 28, 2013 by Ms. Haseltine in category slice of life challenge

2 thoughts on “Slice of Life Challenge

  1. aynslee

    I’m kinda nervous about doing the challange tomorrow… I still think it’ll be fun, but really dificult for me to remember to do this kinda stuff. Wish me luck! 🙂

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